About Us

Who We Are

In order to be ourselves on this star and space we need to elevate ourselves away from the habit pull that confines us. Just to be ourselves will help us get our image the right note.

Artbay.gallery exhibition space is a creative and informal space that promotes Art to the world. We build a diverse permanent collection and exhibition program of past and present works by local and international Artists. We hold an ongoing exhibition program with diverse Artists, including current Artists as well as curatorial exhibition. We are committed to bringing new and exciting Artists together with established and emerging Artists, in a space that is accessible. We support the Arts in the way that encourages Art education and Art appreciation.

We welcome Artists and curators to come and work with us, to collaborate and share ideas.

We offer the community a space of exploration and education for all the work that we find in us and within all the works we create. Artbay.gallery offers a space for people to express each Artist’s creative expression and find out how Art can change the world in ways that we can only hope. We have a great Art collection, and we are not afraid to show it!

We are a circle of Artists and Art Lovers working to create an Art community that supports each other and helps build a better world.

We value the importance of collaboration and we want to develop and support a more collaborative culture.

We value the importance of openness and we strive to create a more open environment.

We value the importance of creativity and we are proud of our diverse community and our range of experience.

We value the importance of transparency and we value our ability to work from the heart.

Art knows no boundaries, that is why Artbay.gallery also carries a social responsibility by sourcing Art from the four corners of the world where less fortunate Artists can promote their work worldwide and live their passion in countries that would not provide an Art stage big enough.

We truly appreciate your time and consideration of our work.

A Few Words About

Our Team

Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra.

Harvey Spector

Founder - CEO

Jessica Pearson


Rachel Zain

Marketing Head

Luise Litt

Lead Developer

Katrina Bennett

Intern Designer

Mike Ross

Intern Designer

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